Asbestkaart gaat internationaal
16-07-2008In het Engelstalige wetenschappelijke tijdschrift “Annals of Occupational Hygiene” is een artikel gepubliceerd over de Asbestkaart. De Asbestkaart is een elektronisch systeem voor het beoordelen van historische asbestblootstelling in bedrijfstakken en beroepen in de periode 1945-1994. Het systeem is in opdracht van het IAS ontwikkeld door de Technische Universiteit Delft en de Erasmus Universiteit.
Op internet kan de Asbestkaart worden geraadpleegd op Bron: Swuste, P. et. al.(2008). Linking Expert Judgement and Trends in Occupational Exposure into a Job-Exposure Matrix for Historical Exposure to Asbestos in The Netherlands. Ann Occup Hyg. Jul.52(5):397-403.
Swuste, P. et. al.(2008). Linking Expert Judgement and Trends in Occupational Exposure into a Job-Exposure Matrix for Historical Exposure to Asbestos in The Netherlands. Ann Occup Hyg. Jul.52(5):397-403.
The aim of this article was to describe the structure and content of a job-exposure matrix (JEM) for historical asbestos exposure in The Netherlands. The JEM contained 309 occupational
job title groups in 70 branches of industry during 10 periods of 5 years during 1945 till 1994, resulting in 3090 evaluations. Dutch sources on asbestos exposure measurements provided quantitative guidance for 69 evaluations (2.2%) in 25 occupational title groups. In addition, three databases from the UK Health and Safety Executive contributed to 222 evaluations (7.2%) and several other sources aided in another 133 evaluations (4.3%). These evaluations resulted in seven categories of exposure levels for all 3090 combinations of occupational title groups and periods. A verification process with five experts was used to adjust the assignments