VS: onderzoek 11/9: geen schadelijke effecten door stofwolken asbest
20-10-2005Onderzoeker Nolan en collega’s analyseerden steekproeven uit de stofwolk die vrijkwam na de instorting van de WTC-torens. In de wolk kwam alleen chrysotiel (wit asbest) voor. Met behulp van een asbestrisico model werd berekend of de gevonden asbestniveaus een verhoogd risico op kanker geven voor de inwoners van “Low Manhattan”. Dit extra risico werd niet gevonden. Bron: Nolan, R.P. et al. (2005). Risk Assessment for Asbestos-Related Cancer From the 9/11 Attack on the World Trade Center. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 47(8), August, pp 817-825.
Nolan, Robert P. PhD. Ross, Malcolm PhD. Nord, Gordon L. PhD. Axten, Charles W.
PhD. Osleeb, Jeffrey P. PhD. Domnin, Stanislav G. MD, DSc. Price, Bertram PhD.
Wilson, Richard DPhil. Risk Assessment for Asbestos-Related Cancer From the 9/11 Attack on the World Trade Center. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Volume 47(8), August 2005, pp 817-825.
Objective: We sought to estimate the lifetime risk of asbestos-related cancer
for residents of Lower Manhattan attributable to asbestos released into the air
by the 9/11 attack on New York City’s World Trade Center (WTC).
Methods: Exposure was estimated from available data and reasoned projections
based on these data. Cancer risk was assessed using an asbestos risk model that
differentiates asbestos fiber-types and the US Environmental Protection Agency’s
model that does not differentiate fiber-types and combines mesothelioma and lung
cancer risks.
Results: The upper limit for the expected number of asbestos-related cancers is
less than one case over the lifetime of the population for the risk model that
is specific for fiber-types and 12 asbestos-related cancers with the US
Environmental Protection Agency’s model.
Conclusions: The cancer risk associated with asbestos exposures for residents of
Lower Manhattan resulting from the collapse of the WTC is negligible.