Bhattacharya en collega’s beschrijven in dit overzichtsartikel het totaal aan biologische reacties in het lichaam nadat iemand aan asbest is blootgesteld. Onderscheid wordt gemaakt naar indicatoren van (1) blootstelling (reacties op vezels), (2) effect (ziekte) en (3)kwetsbaarheid (verschillen tussen individuen en/of populaties). Bron: Bhattacharya K, Dopp E, Kakkar P, Jaffery FN, Schiffmann D, Jaurand MC, Rahman I, Rahman Q. (2005). Biomarkers in risk assessment of asbestos exposure. Mutation Research, Aug 17, article in press.
Bhattacharya K, Dopp E, Kakkar P, Jaffery FN, Schiffmann D, Jaurand MC, Rahman I, Rahman Q. (2005). Biomarkers in risk assessment of asbestos exposure. Mutation Research, Aug 17, article in press. 9: Mutat Res. 2005 Aug 17. [Epub ahead of print]
Developments in the field of molecular epidemiology and toxicology have given
valuable tools for early detection of impending disease or toxic condition.
Morbidity due to respiratory distress, which may be due to environmental and
occupational exposure, has drawn attention of researchers worldwide. Among the
occupational exposure to respiratory distress factors, fibers and particles have
been found to be main culprits in causing diseases like asbestosis, pleural
plaques, mesotheliomas and bronchogenic carcinomas. An early detection of the
magnitude of exposure or its’ effect using molecular end points is of growing
importance. The early inflammatory responses like release of the inflammatory
cells collected by non-invasive methods give an indication of the unwanted
exposure and susceptibility to further complications. Since free radicals like
O(2)(-), OH, OOH, NO, NOO, etc. are involved in the progression of
asbestos-related diseases and lead to cytogenetic changes, an evaluation of
antioxidant states reducing equivalents like GSH and ROS generation can be a
good biomarker. The cytogenetic end points like chromosomal aberration,
micronucleus formation and sister chromatid exchange give indication of genetic
damage, hence they are used as effective biomarkers. New techniques like
fluorimetric analysis of DNA unwinding, alkaline elution test, fluorescent in
situ hybridization and comet assay are powerful tools for early detection of
initiation of disease process and may help in planning strategies for minimizing
morbidity related to asbestos fiber exposure. The present review article covers
in detail possible biomarkers for risk assessment of morbidity due to
fibers/particles in exposed population.