Medewerkers kerncentrale hebben vaker mesothelioom


(Ex-)medewerkers van een kerncentrale in South Carolina, VS, hebben vaker dan gemiddeld mesothelioom. De ziekte werd geconstateerd bij zeven medewerkers waarvan vier werktuigkundigen, een ingenieur, een technicus en een machinewerker. Bron: Richardson, D.B., et. al. (2007). Mortality among workers at the Savannah River Site. American Journal of Industrial Medicine 50, p. 881-891.

Richardson, D.B., et. al. (2007). Mortality among workers at the Savannah River Site. American Journal of Industrial Medicine 50, p. 881-891.

BACKGROUND: Workers employed at the Savannah River Site (SRS) were potentially exposed to a range of chemical and physical hazards, many of which are poorly characterized. We therefore compared the observed deaths among workers to expectations based upon death rates for referent populations.

METHODS: The cohort included 18,883 SRS workers hired between 1950 and 1986. Vital status and cause of death information were ascertained through 2002. Sex-specific standardized mortality ratios (SMR) were computed using U.S. and South Carolina mortality rates. SMRs were tabulated separately for monthly-, weekly-, and hourly-paid men.

RESULTS: Males had fewer deaths from all causes [SMR=0.80, 90% confidence interval (CI): 0.78, 0.82], all cancers (SMR=0.85, 90% CI: 0.81, 0.89), and lung cancer (SMR=0.88, 90% CI: 0.82, 0.95) than expected based upon US mortality rates. The SMR for cancer of the pleura was 4.25 (90% CI: 1.99, 7.97) for men. The SMR for leukemia was greater than unity for monthly-paid (SMR=1.33, 90% CI: 0.88, 1.93) and hourly-paid (SMR=1.36, 90% CI: 1.02, 1.78) men. Female workers had fewer deaths from all causes (SMR=0.75, 90% CI: 0.69, 0.82) than expected, but more deaths than expected from cancer of the kidney (SMR=2.58, 90% CI: 1.21, 4.84) and skin (SMR=3.90, 90% CI: 2.11, 6.61).

CONCLUSIONS: While the observed numbers of deaths in most categories of cause of death were less than expected, there are greater than expected numbers of deaths due to cancer of the pleura and leukemia, particularly among hourly-paid male workers. It is plausible that occupational hazards, including asbestos and ionizing radiation, contribute to these excesses.

VS: asbestziekten textielarbeiders South Carolina


Er is een sterke relatie tussen de omvang van blootstelling aan chrysotiel-asbest en het risico op longkanker en asbestose. Dit is de conclusie van een analyse van de sterfte-cijfers van 3072 arbeiders die tussen 1916 en 1977 in een textielfabriek in het Amerikaanse South Carolina met deze soort asbest in aanraking waren geweest. Bron: Hein, M.J., et al. (2007). Follow-up study of chrysotile textile workers: cohort mortality and exposure-response. Occup. Environ. Med 2007.64.616-625.

Hein, M.J., et al. (2007). Follow-up study of chrysotile textile workers: cohort mortality and exposure-response. Occup. Environ. Med 2007.64.616-625.
This report provides an update of the mortality experience of a cohort of South Carolina asbestos textile workers.
METHODS: A cohort of 3072 workers exposed to chrysotile in a South Carolina asbestos textile plant (1916-77) was followed up for mortality through 2001. Standardised mortality ratios (SMRs) were computed using US and South Carolina mortality rates. A job exposure matrix provided calendar time dependent estimates of chrysotile exposure concentrations. Poisson regression models were fitted for lung cancer and asbestosis. Covariates considered included sex, race, age, calendar time, birth cohort and time since first exposure. Cumulative exposure lags of 5 and 10 years were considered by disregarding exposure in the most recent 5 and 10 years, respectively.
RESULTS: A majority of the cohort was deceased (64%) and 702 of the 1961 deaths occurred since the previous update. Mortality was elevated based on US referent rates for a priori causes of interest including all causes combined (SMR 1.33, 95% CI 1.28 to 1.39). all cancers (SMR 1.27, 95% CI 1.16 to 1.39). oesophageal cancer (SMR 1.87, 95% CI 1.09 to 2.99). lung cancer (SMR 1.95, 95% CI 1.68 to 2.24). ischaemic heart disease (SMR 1.20, 95% CI 1.10 to 1.32). and pneumoconiosis and other respiratory diseases (SMR 4.81, 95% CI 3.84 to 5.94). Mortality remained elevated for these causes when South Carolina referent rates were used. Three cases of mesothelioma were observed among cohort members. Exposure-response modelling for lung cancer, using a linear relative risk model, produced a slope coefficient of 0.0198 (fibre-years/ml) (standard error 0.00496), when cumulative exposure was lagged 10 years. Poisson regression modelling confirmed significant positive relations between estimated chrysotile exposure and lung cancer and asbestosis mortality observed in previous updates of this cohort.
CONCLUSIONS: This study confirms the findings from previous investigations of excess mortality from lung cancer and asbestosis and a strong exposure-response relation between estimated exposure to chrysotile and mortality from lung cancer and asbestosis.

Asbestwarmhoudplaatjes mogelijke oorzaak mesothelioom Goor


Schipperijn denkt dat asbestwarmhoudplaatjes mogelijk de asbestblootstellingsoorzaak zijn voor gevallen van mesothelioom waarbij geen andere oorzaak gevonden is. Asbestwarmhoudplaatjes waren ruim 50 jaar geleden volop in omloop en werden soms z&oacute. intensief gebruikt dat daar centraal gaten in vielen. Niet denkbeeldig is dat daarbij asbeststof in het keukenmilieu terechtkwam. Dit als commentaar op de in Goor vastgestelde extra incidentie van pleura mesothelioom bij vrouwen, waar bij 8 van de 22 (36%) geen oorzaak kon worden vastgesteld. Bron: Schipperijn, A.J.M. (2007). Milieublootstelling aan asbest in de regio Goor vastgesteld als oorzaak van maligne pleuramesothelioom bij vrouwen. Commentaar. Ntvg, 15 december.151(50), p. 2810.

Mesothelioom in de VS 1999-2002


Tussen 1999 en 2002 werd de ziekte mesothelioom in de Verenigde Staten bij gemiddeld 1,11 personen op 100.000 inwoners vastgesteld. Totaal betrof dit 10.926 mensen. Het gaat vooral om oudere, blanke mannen: 75% was boven de 65 en 98% boven de 40. Het aantal mannen was vijf keer zo groot als het aantal vrouwen (79% vs. 21%) De ziekte komt in de VS ongeveer even vaak voor als leukemie en baarmoederhalskanker bij vrouwen. Internationaal vergeleken is de mesothelioomincidentie in de VS drie keer zo laag als in Australi&euml., het land met de hoogste incidentie. Bron: Larson, T., et al. (2007). Incidence and descriptive epidemiology of mesothelioma in the United States, 1999-2002. Int J Occup Environ Health. 2007 Oct-Dec.13(4):398-403.

Larson, T., et al. (2007). Incidence and descriptive epidemiology of mesothelioma in the United States, 1999-2002. Int J Occup Environ Health. 2007 Oct-Dec.13(4):398-403.
Incidence and descriptive epidemiology of mesothelioma in the United States, 1999-2002.Larson T, Melnikova N, Davis SI, Jamison P. To estimate the recent incidence of mesothelioma in the United States and characterize its descriptive epidemiology, incidence data were obtained from the National Program of Cancer Registries (NPCR) and the Surveillance, Epidemiology and End Results (SEER) Program. Age-adjusted incidence rates and 95% confidence intervals were calculated. The U.S. incidence was 1.11 cases per 100,000 persons. Most cases occurred among older, white males. However, 173 cases (&lt. 2%) occurred in persons younger than 40. The proportion of women with peritoneal mesothelioma was triple that of men (14.8% vs 5.4%). Of 40 reporting states, 11 had incidence rates significantly higher than the national rate.

Spanje: sterfte aan mesothelioom onder mannen 1977-2016


In Spanje zijn tussen 1977 en 2001 1928 mannen van boven de 35 aan de ziekte mesothelioom overleden. Schattingen voorspellen dat tussen 2007 en 2016 nog eens 1321 mannen aan deze ziekte zullen overlijden. Het is nog niet mogelijk om te voorspellen vanaf welk jaar het aantal slachtoffers af zal gaan nemen. Bron: Pitarque, S. et al., (2007). Mesothelioma mortality in men: trends during 1977-2001 and projections for 2002-2016 in Spain.Occup Environ Med. 2007, online 21 sept, doi:10.1136/oem.2007.034769.

Pitarque, S. et al., (2007). Mesothelioma mortality in men: trends during 1977-2001 and projections for 2002-2016 in Spain.Occup Environ Med. 2007 published online 21 sept, doi:10.1136/oem.2007.034769.
To evaluate mesothelioma death trends in Spain and to predict future cases of mesothelioma.

METHODS: After descriptive analysis of mesothelioma mortality data, an age-period-cohort model was applied to make projections of mesothelioma deaths.

RESULTS: From 1977 to 2001, 1,928 men older than 35 died of mesothelioma in Spain. Projections indicate that 1,321 men are expected to die from mesothelioma between 2007 and 2016.

CONCLUSION: It is expected that mesothelioma deaths will increase at least until 2016. Available data do not allow a prediction of the year mortality will start decreasing.

Vaker mesothelioom in omgeving Italiaanse fabriek


Onder vrouwen van (ex-)werknemers en omwonenden van een voormalige Italiaanse asbestcementfabriek komt de ziekte mesothelioom vaker dan gemiddeld voor. De onderzoeksgroep bestond o.a. uit 1780 vrouwen die tussen 1988 en 2003 met een man getrouwd waren die in de Eternit Fabriek van Casale Monferrato (Piedmont, Itali&euml.) werkte. Bij andere asbestziektes, zoals asbestgerelateerde longkanker werd geen hoger risico gevonden. De voormalige asbestfabriek was tussen 1907 en 1986 in werking in de plaats Casale Monferrate (Piedmont, Itali&euml.). Bron: Ferrante, D. et al., (2007). Cancer mortality and incidence of mesothelioma in a cohort of wives of asbestos workers in Casale Monferrato, Italy. Environmental Health Perspectives, 115, nr. 10, oktober 07, p. 1401-05. Maule M. et al, (2007). Modeling mesothelioma risk associated with environmental asbestos exposure. Environmental Health Perspectives, 115, nr.10, p.1066-71.

Ferrante, D. et al., (2007). Cancer mortality and incidence of mesothelioma in a cohort of wives of asbestos workers in Casale Monferrato, Italy. Environmental Health Perspectives, 115, nr. 10, oktober 07, p. 1401-05.
Family members of asbestos workers are at increased risk of malignant mesothelioma (MM). Although the hazard is established, the magnitude of the risk is uncertain, and it is unclear whether risk is also increased for other cancers. Few cohort studies have been reported.
OBJECTIVE: The &quot.Eternit&quot. factory of Casale Monferrato (Italy), active from 1907 to 1986, was among the most important Italian plants producing asbestos-cement (AC) goods. In this article we present updated results on mortality and MM incidence in the wives of workers at the factory.
METHODS: We studied a cohort of 1,780 women, each married to an AC worker during his employment at the factory but not personally occupationally exposed to asbestos. Cohort membership was defined starting from the marital status of each worker, which was ascertained in 1988 from the Registrar’s Office in the town where workers lived. At the end of follow-up (April 2003), 67% of women were alive, 32.3% dead, and 0.7% lost to follow-up. Duration of exposure was computed from the husband’s period of employment. Latency was the interval from first exposure to the end of follow-up.
RESULTS: The standardized mortality ratio (SMR) for pleural cancer [21 observed vs. 1.2 expected. SMR = 18.00. 95% confidence interval (CI), 11.14-27.52] was significantly increased. Mortality for lung cancer was not increased (12 observed vs. 10.3 expected. SMR = 1.17. 95% CI, 0.60-2.04). Eleven incident cases of pleural MM were observed (standardized incidence ratio = 25.19. 95% CI, 12.57-45.07).
CONCLUSIONS: Household exposure, as experienced by these AC workers’ wives, increases risk for pleural MM but not for lung cancer.

Maule M. et al, (2007). Modeling mesothelioma risk associated with environmental asbestos exposure. Environmental Health Perspectives, 115, nr.10, p.1066-71.
Environmental asbestos pollution can cause malignant mesothelioma, but few studies have involved dose-response analyses with detailed information on occupational, domestic, and environmental exposures.
OBJECTIVES: In the present study, we examined the spatial variation of mesothelioma risk in an area with high levels of asbestos pollution from an industrial plant, adjusting for occupational and domestic exposures.
METHODS: This population-based case-control study included 103 incident cases of mesothelioma and 272 controls in 1987-1993 in the area around Casale Monferrato, Italy, where an important asbestos cement plant had been active for decades. Information collected included lifelong occupational and residential histories. Mesothelioma risk was estimated through logistic regression and a mixed additive-multiplicative model in which an additive scale was assumed for the risk associated with both residential distance from the plant and occupational exposures. The adjusted excess risk gradient by residential distance was modeled as an exponential decay with a threshold.
RESULTS: Residents at the location of the asbestos cement factory had a relative risk for mesothelioma of 10.5 [95% confidence interval (CI), 3.8-50.1), adjusted for occupational and domestic exposures. Risk decreased rapidly with increasing distance from the factory, but at 10-km the risk was still 60% of its value at the source. The relative risk for occupational exposure was 6.0 (95% CI, 2.9-13.0), but this increased to 27.5 (95% CI, 7.8-153.4) when adjusted for residential distance.
CONCLUSIONS: This study provides strong evidence that asbestos pollution from an industrial source greatly increases mesothelioma risk. Furthermore, relative risks from occupational exposure were underestimated and were markedly increased when adjusted for residential distance.

Het asbestdrama ontvouwt zich verder


Klinisch arbeidsgeneeskundige Van der Laan gaat in een commentaar in het Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde in op de geschiedenis en schadelijke gevolgen van het asbestgebruik in Nederland en internationaal. Hij vraagt zich o.a. af waarom het zo lang geduurd heeft voor er een asbestverbod kwam. Economische belangen, waaronder werkgelegenheidsargumenten en de sterke lobby van de asbestindustrie hebben daarin een belangrijke rol gespeeld. Bron: Laan, G. van der (2007). Mesothelioom rond Goor en ver daarbuiten: het asbestdrama ontvouwt zich verder. Ntvg, nr. 46, 17 november, online gepubliceerd. Meer

Italië: onderzoek naar latentietijd asbestziektes


Onderzoek onder 3434 ex-werknemers van een Italiaanse Eternitfabriek laat zien dat zij een verhoogd risico hebben op pleuramesothelioom (longvlieskanker), peritoneaal mesothelioom (buikvlieskanker), longkanker en bij vrouwen baarmoederhals- en eierstokkanker. Het risico neemt bij longkanker vanaf 15 jaar en bij pleuramesothelioom vanaf 30 jaar na het laatste moment van asbestblootstelling af. De piek in de latentietijd, de periode tussen het eerste moment van blootstelling en de ontdekking van de ziekte, ligt bij longkanker tussen de 30 en 40 jaar en bij pleura mesothelioom tussen de 30 en 50 jaar. Bij peritoneaal mesothelioom vertoont deze een continue stijgende lijn tot meer dan 50 jaar na het eerste moment van asbestblootstelling. De voormalige asbestfabriek was tussen 1907 en 1986 in werking in de plaats Casale Monferrate (Piedmont, Italië). Bron: Magnani, C. et al., (2007). Cancer risk after cessation of asbestos exposure. A cohort study of Italian asbestos cement workers. OEM online, 17 aug., doi:10.1136/oem.2007.032847.

Magnani, C. et al., (2007). Cancer risk after cessation of asbestos exposure. A cohort study of Italian asbestos cement workers. OEM online, 17 aug., doi:10.1136/oem.2007.032847.

Objectives: We aimed at studying mortality for asbestos related diseases and incidence of mesothelioma in a cohort of Italian asbestos cement workers after cessation of asbestos exposure.
Methods: The Eternit factory operated from 1907 to 1986. The cohort included 3434 subjects active in 1950 or hired in 1950-86, recorded from company books, without selections. Local reference
rates were used for both mortality and mesothelioma incidence.
Results: Mortality was increased in both sexes for all causes (overall 1809 obs vs 1312.3 exp. p&lt.0.01), pleural (135 obs vs. 3.6 exp. p&lt.0.01) and peritoneal (52 vs 1.9. p&lt.0.01) malignancies and
lung cancer (249 vs. 103.1. p&lt.0.01). In women, ovarian (9 vs 4.0. p&lt.0.05) and uterine (15 vs 5.8. p&lt.0.01) malignancies were also in excess. No statistically significant increase was found for
laryngeal cancer (16 obs vs. 12.2 exp). In Poisson regression analyses the RR of death from pleural neoplasm linearly increased with duration of exposure while it showed a curvilinear increase with latency and time since cessation of exposure. RR for peritoneal neoplasm continued to increase by latency, duration and time since cessation of exposure. RR for lung cancer showed a reduction after 15 years since cessation of exposure and leveled off after 40 years of latency.
Conclusion: this study of a cohort of asbestos exposed workers with very long follow-up confirmed the reduction of risk of death from lung cancer after the end of exposure. It also suggested a
reduction of risk for pleural mesothelioma with over 40 years of latency while risk for peritoneal mesothelioma showed a continuing increase.

Milieublootstelling aan asbest in Goor oorzaak van mesothelioom bij vrouwen


De milieublootstelling aan asbest in het gebied rondom Goor was de belangrijkste verklaring van de sterk verhoogde incidentie van pleuramesothelioom onder vrouwen in dit gebied. Bij een gelijk risico voor mannen zullen de gevolgen van de asbestverontreiniging in het risicogebied rond Goor in de komende 25 jaar elk jaar 2 extra gevallen van pleuramesothelioom bedragen. Dit schrijven Sinnighe Damste, Siesling en Burdorf in het Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde van 3 november j.l. Het onderzoek werd in opdracht van het ministerie van VROM in de periode november 2004 tot augustus 2005 verricht. Bron: Sinninghe Damst&eacute., H.E.J., Siesling, S &amp. Burdorf, A., (2007). Milieublootstelling aan asbest in de regio Goor vastgesteld als oorzaak van maligne pleuramesothelioom bij vrouwen. Ntvg, nr. 44, 3 november 2007 online gepubliceerd. Meer

Asbestziekte-epidemie in Zuidafrikaanse mijnwerkersplaatsen


Tienduizenden Zuidafrikanen worden getroffen door asbestziektes. Ze komen vooral uit voormalige mijnwerkersplaatsen in de Noordkaap. Daar werd tot midden jaren 80 asbest gewonnen in verschillende mijnen. De buitenlandse eigenaren hebben de afgelopen 6 jaar tientallen miljoenen dollars betaald in schikkingen met ongeveer 10.000 asbestslachtoffers. Een mesothelioomslachtoffer krijgt een vergoeding van 28.000 rand (ca. 2800 euro). Verschillende studies schatten dat 50% van de populatie in de voormalige mijngebieden door een asbestziekte getroffen zal worden. Bron:, 5 oktober 2007. Meer