In Spanje zijn tussen 1977 en 2001 1928 mannen van boven de 35 aan de ziekte mesothelioom overleden. Schattingen voorspellen dat tussen 2007 en 2016 nog eens 1321 mannen aan deze ziekte zullen overlijden. Het is nog niet mogelijk om te voorspellen vanaf welk jaar het aantal slachtoffers af zal gaan nemen. Bron: Pitarque, S. et al., (2007). Mesothelioma mortality in men: trends during 1977-2001 and projections for 2002-2016 in Spain.Occup Environ Med. 2007, online 21 sept, doi:10.1136/oem.2007.034769.
Pitarque, S. et al., (2007). Mesothelioma mortality in men: trends during 1977-2001 and projections for 2002-2016 in Spain.Occup Environ Med. 2007 published online 21 sept, doi:10.1136/oem.2007.034769.
OBJECTIVES: To evaluate mesothelioma death trends in Spain and to predict future cases of mesothelioma.
METHODS: After descriptive analysis of mesothelioma mortality data, an age-period-cohort model was applied to make projections of mesothelioma deaths.
RESULTS: From 1977 to 2001, 1,928 men older than 35 died of mesothelioma in Spain. Projections indicate that 1,321 men are expected to die from mesothelioma between 2007 and 2016.
CONCLUSION: It is expected that mesothelioma deaths will increase at least until 2016. Available data do not allow a prediction of the year mortality will start decreasing.