47 Miljoen euro voor schoonmaak asbestwegen


Het ministerie van VROM heeft 47 miljoen euro ter beschikking gesteld voor de schoonmaak van ongeveer 1000 met asbest vervuilde locaties in het gebied rond de voormalige asbestfabrieken van Goor en Harderwijk. Bron: provincie Overijssel, juni 2005.

Asbestsanering bodem is schadelijk voor het milieu


Volgens chemicus de Jong en arts de Waard zijn asbestvezels in de grond ongevaarlijk. Asbestsanering van grond is dus overbodig en bovendien slecht voor het milieu. Machines die bij die sanering worden gebruikt veroorzaken namelijk vervuiling van de lucht met roet en stof.

Bron: Tubantia / Twentsche Courant, 11 mei 2005

Australië: nieuwe golf asbestslachtoffers, de ‘klussers’.


Tot vijf jaar geleden kwamen asbestziektes in Zuid Australië alleen voor bij mensen die beroepsmatig met asbest in aanraking waren geweest. De laatste jaren melden zich steeds meer mensen die ziek geworden zijn doordat ze ongeveer 30 jaar geleden aan de verbouwing van hun huis hebben gewerkt.

Bron: Sunday Mail, 10 april 2005.

Sunday Mail (SA)

April 10, 2005 Sunday

HEADLINE: Next wave of victims.Asbestos link to renovators

RECORD numbers of South Australian asbestos victims are being diagnosed with the killer disease mesothelioma as more deaths are linked to exposure to fibres in the home.

Health Department figures show the number of people suffering the terminal illness have steadily climbed from eight in 1977 to now peak at more than 50 annually.

Adelaide lawyers are reporting more clients now seeking compensation from asbestos manufacturers following exposure during home renovations.

They say such victims were almost non-existent five years ago.

SA Asbestos Victims Association secretary Terry Miller said renovators from the 1970s and their children were now starting to develop the respiratory disease, which took about 30 years to develop.

“The thing that worries us now is the people doing home renovations,” Mr Miller said.

“It might be young people doing a home renovation and there might be a little child crawling around on the floor and that child might not know for 20 years the parents . . . handed this child a death sentence.

“In this state now we have an unwanted record for mesothelioma cases per capita in the world.”

Only Western Australia has a higher rate of mesothelioma per capita than SA.

Thousands of SA properties, including schools, office buildings, houses and Housing Trust properties are riddled with asbestos, which can be dangerous if disturbed without care.

Asbestos law firm Slater and Gordon says renovators are the “third wave” of asbestos victims, following miners and manufacturers.

“What we are finding is that people who had very small exposure such as adding on a room to the house or putting in a cubby house or sanding back and painting eaves on houses, those people 30 years later are developing mesothelioma,” laywer Jane McDermott, an asbestos specialist with the firm, said.

About 30 per cent of the firm’s current clients – or about 20 victims – were exposed in the home, often to asbestos sheeting made at the James Hardie factory at Elizabeth after 1960.

Law firm Turner Freeman is acting for 10 South Australians who are dying of mesothelioma after being exposed to asbestos while renovating.

“The first home renovation cases we did were five or six years ago,” a partner in the firm, Tanya Segelov, said.

“Up to a quarter of mesothelioma cases would now be home renovation cases. When we were doing this work 10 years ago it was all workers.

“It’s not so much the asbestos in the industry now that will kill people it’s the asbestos in the home.”

Asbestos victims were typically workers at James Hardie, the Whyalla shipyards and city buildings, including old department stores, which were sprayed with asbestos, Ms Segelov said.

A total of 742 South Australians have been officially diagnosed with mesothelioma since the Health Department began compiling the rates in 1977.

Other asbestos diseases such as asbestosis are not recorded by the department.

Asbestwerker loopt nog steeds enorm gezondheidsrisico


Duizenden werknemers staan bij het verwijderen van asbest bloot aan `gigantische gezondheidsrisico`s`, omdat veel bedrijven de regels voor het verwijderen van de kankerverwekkende stof aan de laars lappen. Dat zegt Frans Leerkes van de Arbeidsinspectie in het Algemeen Dagblad van 9 april. Het AD komt met dit nieuws naar aanleiding van een uitzending van RTL nieuws, waarin vorige week onthuld werd dat zowel gespecialiseerde bedrijven als kleine aannemers de regels overtreden. Ook zouden malafide bedrijven op grote schaal illegaal asbest verwijderen.

Bron: NFK, 21 april 2005 / AD.

Meer http://www.kankerpatient.nl/default.asp?ref=http://www.kankerpatient.nl/template_6_0_content.asp

VK: sterfte aan mesothelioom van 1968-2001 en prognose tot 2050


Het aantal mensen dat in het Verenigd Koninkrijk in de periode 1968 tot 2001 aan mesothelioom is overleden is gestegen van 153 in 1968 tot 1848 in 2001. Naar schatting zal dit aantal oplopen tot 1950-2450 gevallen per jaar tussen 2011 en 2015 en daarna snel afnemen.De aandoening komt het meest voor in regio’s waar in het verleden veel met asbest is gewerkt. Het komt steeds vaker voor bij mensen die in de secundaire asbestindustrie hebben gewerkt, zoals loodgieters, timmermannen en electriciens. Het totaal aantal sterfgevallen wordt in de periode 1968-2050 geschat op ongeveer 90.000, waarvan 65.000 na 2001.

Bron: Mcelvenny, D.M. et al.(2005. Occupational medicine, 55, 2, 79-87 + the British journal of cancer, 92, 3, 587-593(7).

Mesothelioma mortality in Great Britain from 1968 to 2001

Damien M. McElvenny, Andrew J. Darnton, Malcolm J. Price and John T. Hodgson

Health & Safety Executive – Epidemiology and Medical Statistics Unit, Stanley Precinct, Bootle, Merseyside L20 3QZ, UK

Background. The British mesothelioma register contains all deaths from 1968 to 2001 where mesothelioma was mentioned on the death certificate.

Aims. To present summary statistics of the British mesothelioma epidemic including summaries by occupation and geographical area.

Methods. Standardized mortality ratios (SMRs) were calculated for local authorities, unitary authorities and counties. Temporal trends in SMRs were also examined. Proportional mortality ratios (PMRs) were calculated using the Southampton (based on the 1980 standard occupational classification) coding scheme. Temporal trends in PMRs were also examined.

Results The annual number of mesothelioma deaths has increased from 153 in 1968 to 1848 in 2001. Current deaths in males account for about 85% of the cases. The areas of West Dunbartonshire (SMR 637), Barrow-in-Furness (593), Plymouth (396) and Portsmouth (388) have the highest SMRs over the period 1981-2000. The occupations with the highest PMRs are metal plate workers (PMR 503), vehicle body builders (526), plumbers and gas fitters (413) and carpenters (388).

Conclusions. These data reinforce earlier findings that geographical areas and occupations associated with high exposure to asbestos in the past continue to drive the mesothelioma epidemic in Great Britain. However, the trends over time suggest a change in the balance of risk away from traditional asbestos exposure industries to industries where one could describe the exposure as secondary, such as plumbers and gas fitters, carpenters, and electricians.

The expected burden of mesothelioma mortality in Great Britain from 2002 to 2050

Hodgson, J.T.. Mcelvenny, D.M.. Darnton, A.J.. Price, M.J.. Peto, J. / In: The British journal of cancer. vol. 92 (2005), afl. 3, pag. 587-593 (7) / 2005

The British mesothelioma register contains all deaths from 1968 to 2001 where mesothelioma was mentioned on the death certificate. These data were used to predict the future burden of mesothelioma mortality in Great Britain. Poisson regression analysis was used to model male mesothelioma deaths from 1968 to 2001 as a function of the rise and fall of asbestos exposure during the 20th century, and hence to predict numbers of male deaths in the years 2002-2050. The annual number of mesothelioma deaths in Great Britain has risen increasingly rapidly from 153 deaths in 1968 to 1848 in 2001 and, using our preferred model, is predicted to peak at around 1950 to 2450 deaths per year between 2011 and 2015. Following this peak, the number of deaths is expected to decline rapidly. The eventual death rate will depend on the background level and any residual asbestos exposure. Between 1968 and 2050, there will have been approximately 90 000 deaths from mesothelioma in Great Britain, 65 000 of which will occur after 2001.

Eerste milieuvriendelijke sloopwerf in Groningen


De eerste milieuvriendelijke scheepswerf ter wereld, die in de Groningse Eemshaven wordt gebouwd, kan over twee jaar operationeel zijn. Op deze werf zullen oude schepen op milieuvriendelijke wijze worden gesloopt. Nu worden afgedankte schepen,vol gevaarlijke stoffen als asbest, loodverf en PCB`s, vaak gesloopt op stranden van landen als India, Bangladesh, Pakistan en Turkije. Daarbij vallen jaarlijks doden. Uit haalbaarheidsstudies blijkt dat de nieuwe werf de concurrentie met de lage lonenlanden aan zal kunnen. Waar men in China een half jaar nodig heeft om een schip te ontmantelen, zal dat op de nieuwe werf in 23,5 dagen kunnen, door gebruik van innovatieve robotgestuurde snijtechnieken. Bron: ANP, 9 juni 2005.

VS: onderzoek naar mesothelioom bij huisgenoten


32 Dossiers van huisgenoten werden bestudeerd op gemeenschappelijke kenmerken. In 15 gevallen ging het om de echtgenote, in 11 om de dochter van de man die met asbest had gewerkt. Het betrof 27 gevallen van longvlies- en 5 gevallen van buikvlieskanker. De latentietijd was in 27 gevallen langer dan 40 jaar geweest.

Bron: Miller, Albert (2005). American journal of industrial medicine. vol. 47, afl. 5, pag. 458-462 (5)

Mesothelioma in household members of asbestos-exposed workers : 32 United States cases since 1990

Miller, Albert / In: American journal of industrial medicine. vol. 47 (2005), afl. 5, pag. 458-462 (5) / 2005



Mesothelioma is significant as an indicator of asbestos exposure, as a continuing major cause of death in those exposed, and as a risk following lesser exposures. One such exposure is living in the household of an asbestos worker, and coming into contact with fibers brought home on his/her body, clothing, etc.


Law firms throughout the US known for their pursuit of asbestos claims were polled for mesothelioma claims brought on behalf of family members of identifiable asbestos-exposed workers. Cases with any occupational, environmental, or other possible exposure were not included.


This study reports 32 household-exposure mesothelioma cases, diagnosed since 1990. Relationships were wife (15), daughter (11), son (3), sister-in law (1), niece (1), and boarder (1). Occupations of the workers included shipyard (13), insulator (7), and other (12). Of the 27 pleural cases, 13 were epithelial, 5 fibrous, 3 biphasic, and 6 not specified. of the 5 peritoneal cases, 4 were epithelial and 1 fibrous. Latency was greater than 40 years in 27 cases. 6 cases were 40-49 years of age and 17 were 60 or older.


Records from law firms were a useful source of information. Mesothelioma resulting from household exposure is a continuing problem. It is more likely to present in the elderly, after latencies of >40 years. Am. J. Ind. Med. 47:458-462, 2005.

Antwoord op kamervragen over medicijn Alimta


Jan de Wit (SP) stelde kamervragen over het nieuwe geneesmiddel Alimta voor de behandeling van mesothelioom (longvlies-/buikvlieskanker) ook wel asbestkanker genoemd. Behandeling met dit medicijn kost ca. 20.000 euro per kuur. Momenteel is er een discussie gaande of dit medicijn verstrekt moet worden en wie deze behandeling moet vergoeden. De Wit wilde van de minister weten of een recent behandeladvies van de vereniging voor longartsen betekent dat de verstrekking van Alimta tot de gebruikelijke zorg gerekend kan worden. Medicijnen die tot de gebruikelijke zorg horen moeten worden verstrekt aan patiënten die dit nodig hebben. Hoogervorst antwoordde dat het niet aan hem, maar aan de beroepsgroep is om te bepalen of Alimta tot de gebruikelijke zorg hoort. Wel gaat hij ervan uit dat longartsen het behandeladvies zwaar laten wegen.

Bron: Parlando, 1826, 13 juni

Meer http://parlando.sdu.nl/cgi/login/anonymous