32 Dossiers van huisgenoten werden bestudeerd op gemeenschappelijke kenmerken. In 15 gevallen ging het om de echtgenote, in 11 om de dochter van de man die met asbest had gewerkt. Het betrof 27 gevallen van longvlies- en 5 gevallen van buikvlieskanker. De latentietijd was in 27 gevallen langer dan 40 jaar geweest.
Bron: Miller, Albert (2005). American journal of industrial medicine. vol. 47, afl. 5, pag. 458-462 (5)
Mesothelioma in household members of asbestos-exposed workers : 32 United States cases since 1990
Miller, Albert / In: American journal of industrial medicine. vol. 47 (2005), afl. 5, pag. 458-462 (5) / 2005
Mesothelioma is significant as an indicator of asbestos exposure, as a continuing major cause of death in those exposed, and as a risk following lesser exposures. One such exposure is living in the household of an asbestos worker, and coming into contact with fibers brought home on his/her body, clothing, etc.
Law firms throughout the US known for their pursuit of asbestos claims were polled for mesothelioma claims brought on behalf of family members of identifiable asbestos-exposed workers. Cases with any occupational, environmental, or other possible exposure were not included.
This study reports 32 household-exposure mesothelioma cases, diagnosed since 1990. Relationships were wife (15), daughter (11), son (3), sister-in law (1), niece (1), and boarder (1). Occupations of the workers included shipyard (13), insulator (7), and other (12). Of the 27 pleural cases, 13 were epithelial, 5 fibrous, 3 biphasic, and 6 not specified. of the 5 peritoneal cases, 4 were epithelial and 1 fibrous. Latency was greater than 40 years in 27 cases. 6 cases were 40-49 years of age and 17 were 60 or older.
Records from law firms were a useful source of information. Mesothelioma resulting from household exposure is a continuing problem. It is more likely to present in the elderly, after latencies of >40 years. Am. J. Ind. Med. 47:458-462, 2005.