Effecten van roken en asbest op longfunctie


Onderzoek van Wang geeft aanwijzingen dat asbest en roken elk een eigen onafhankelijke schadelijke invloed hebben op de longfunctie.Asbest heeft vooral negatief effect op de longcapaciteit en roken op het vermogen lucht op te nemen. Bron: Wang X, et al..(2006). Adverse effects of asbestos exposure and smoking on lung function. American Journal of Industrial Medicine May.49(5):337-42.
Wang X, Yano E, Wang Z, Wang M, Christiani DC. (2006). Adverse effects of asbestos exposure and smoking on lung function. American Journal of Industrial Medicine May.49(5):337-42.

BACKGROUND: Exposure to asbestos is a well-recognized cause of both malignant and nonmalignant diseases of lung parenchyma and pleura. This study was conducted to determine the adverse effects of exposure to asbestos and smoking on pulmonary function.

METHODS: Four hundred and sixty-eight workers who were occupationally exposed to asbestos for an average of 13 years were selected from an asbestos-product factory in China. Of them, 85 workers were diagnosed with asbestosis. Additionally, 282 workers who had no experience of exposure to industrial dust were included as a control group. A questionnaire was administered during a face-to-face interview and spirometric maneuvers and single-breath CO diffusing capacity (DL(CO)) were performed.

RESULTS: Multivariate regression analysis showed that exposure to asbestos was more strongly associated with decreased forced vital capacity (FVC) and DL(CO), and asbestosis more strongly associated with decreased FVC, while smoking was a major contributing factor to reduced FEV1/FVC. The results were confirmed by a further analysis where the subjects were grouped exclusively by smoking, asbestos exposure, and chest radiographic changes. No interaction or joint effect was observed between asbestos exposure and smoking.

CONCLUSIONS: This analysis suggested that asbestos and smoking might play independent roles, in which asbestos caused mainly a restrictive impairment, and smoking was a major causal factor for airway obstruction in the workers who were intensively exposed to asbestos.

VK: alle werkgevers aansprakelijk stellen voor asbestblootstelling


Het Britse “House of Lords” heeft begin mei een ruling afgekondigd die stelt dat asbestslachtoffers of hun nabestaanden alle werkgevers aansprakelijk moeten stellen waar zij mogelijk met asbest in aanraking zijn geweest. Voorheen kon men, net als in Nederland, een volledige schadevergoeding eisen van de zogenaamde “meest gerede werkgever”.Vanaf nu moet deze verdeeld worden over de verschillende werkgevers, gebaseerd op de lengte van de tijd die een werknemer bij de betreffende werkgever aan asbest is blootgesteld. Een werkgever is daarmee uitsluitend aansprakelijk voor het blootstellingsrisico dat hijzelf heeft veroorzaakt. Bron: British Lung Foundation, 4 mei 2006. Meer http://www.lunguk.org/news.asp#202

Longkanker door asbest bij vrouwen in Iowa


Neuberger deed van 1994 tot 1997 onderzoek onder plattelandsvrouwen uit het Amerikaanse middenwesten. Hij vond o.a dat asbestblootstelling een oorzaak geweest kan zijn voor longkanker bij de groep ‘niet rokers’: vrouwen die tijdens hun hele leven minder dan 100 sigaretten of korter dan 6 maanden hadden gerookt. Bron: Neuberger JS, et al. (2006). Risk factors for lung cancer in Iowa women: Implications for prevention. Cancer Detection and Prevention, Mar 30.
Neuberger JS, Mahnken JD, Mayo MS, Field RW (2006). Risk factors for lung cancer in Iowa women: Implications for prevention. Cancer Detection and Prevention, Mar 30.

Background: Multiple risk factors possibly associated with lung cancer were examined as part of a large-scale residential radon case-control study conducted in Iowa between 1994 and 1997. We were particularly interested in stratifying risk factors by smoking status. Relatively little risk factor information is available for Midwestern rural women.

Methods: Four hundred thirteen female lung cancer cases and 614 controls aged 40-84, who were residents of their current home for at least 20 years, were included. Risk factors examined included cigarette smoking, passive smoking, occupation, chemical exposure, previous lung disease, family history of cancer, and urban residence. Multiple logistic regression analysis was conducted after adjusting for age, education, and cumulative radon exposure.

Results: As expected, active cigarette smoking was the major risk factor for lung cancer. While cessation of smoking was significantly associated with a reduced risk for lung cancer, the risk remained significantly elevated for 25 years. Among all cases, asbestos exposure was a significant risk. Among ex-smokers, pack-year history predominated as the major risk. Among never smokers, a family history of kidney or bladder cancer were significant risk factors (OR=7.34, 95% CI=1.91-28.18. and OR=5.02, 95% CI=1.64-15.39, respectively), as was a history of previous lung disease (OR=2.28, 95% CI=1.24-4.18) and asbestos exposure. No statistically significant increase in lung cancer risk was found for occupation or urban residence.

Conclusions: Smoking prevention activities are urgently needed in rural areas of the United States. Relatives of individuals with smoking-related cancers are potentially at increased risk. Genetic risk factors should be more fully investigated in never smokers.

Spanje: onderrapportage van asbestziekten


Onderzoeken in de Spaanse deelstaten Catalonië en Navarra hebben aangetoond dat asbestziekten, zoals mesothelioom, er veel vaker voorkomen dan de officiële cijfers aangeven: in Catalonië vier keer zoveel, in Navarra drie keer zo veel. Bronnen: Artieda, L., Beloqui, A. & Lezaun, M. (2005). Cohort of asbestos exposed workers. Navarre (Spain) 1999-2004. Orriols, R. et al. (2006). Reported occupational respiratory diseases in Catalonia. Occupational and Environmental Medicine, n-63 (4), pp. 255-260. Artieda L, Beloqui A, Lezaun M. (2005). Cohort of asbestos exposed workers. Navarre (Spain) 1999-2004] An Sist Sanit Navarra Sep-Dec.28(3):335-44.
Artieda L, Beloqui A, Lezaun M. (2005). Cohort of asbestos exposed workers. Navarre (Spain) 1999-2004] An Sist Sanit Navarra Sep-Dec.28(3):335-44.


BACKGROUND: The identification of a population cohort of workers exposed to asbestos is important because it facilitates health surveillance, allowing us to fulfil the ethical obligation of recognizing the occupational origin of the illness and contributing to the development of scientific research. The goal of this study is to identify the asbestos exposed workers in Navarre and the success of the health surveillance offer. METHODS: The register of asbestos exposed workers was created in 1999. It includes companies and workers from the national register, the records of the regional institution of occupational health and the data of the occupational health services and the inspectorate of sick leave. The health programme deals with occupational and post-occupational workers. RESULTS: The cohort consists of 2,294 workers, from 33 companies, 40% of whom are active, half work manufacturing motor vehicles, 91% are exposed to chrysotile, 25% exposed to high concentrations (0.20 fibers /cm3 or more for chrysotile or 0.10 fibers /cm3 for others). The 1970s and 1990s were when most workers began to be exposed. Workers who began in the 1940s and 1950s have longer exposure times. Medical surveillance is accepted by 72%, with higher acceptance among those who are active. CONCLUSIONS: The follow-up has allowed us to recognize three times as many cases of pathology for asbestos, in comparison with those declared spontaneously in the eleven years prior to the program, which reflects its importance. The level of acceptance of the surveillance is adapted, given the methodology of the programme.

Orriols R, Costa R, Albanell M, Alberti C, Castejon J, Monso E, Panades R, Rubira N, Zock JP. (2006). Reported occupational respiratory diseases in Catalonia. Occupational and Environmental Medicine,63(4), pp 255-60.

OBJECTIVES: A voluntary surveillance system was implemented in Catalonia (Spain) to ascertain the feasibility, incidence, and characteristics of occupational respiratory diseases and compare them with those of the compulsory official system.

METHODS: In 2002, in collaboration with the Occupational and Thoracic Societies of Catalonia, occupational and chest physicians and other specialists were invited to report, on a bimonthly basis, newly diagnosed cases of occupational respiratory diseases. Information requested on each case included diagnosis, age, sex, place of residence, occupation, suspected agent, and physician’s opinion on the likelihood that the condition was work related. Compulsory official system data derived from statistics on work related diseases for possible disability benefits declared by insurance companies, which are responsible for declaring these diseases to the Autonomous Government of Catalonia.

RESULTS: Of 142 physicians seeing patients with occupational respiratory diseases approached, 102 (74%) participated. Three hundred and fifty nine cases were reported, of which asthma (48.5%), asbestos related diseases (14.5%), and acute inhalations (12.8%) were the most common. Physicians rated 63% of suspected cases as highly likely, 28% as likely, and 8% as low likelihood. The most frequent suspected agents reported for asthma were isocyanates (15.5%), persulphates (12.1%), and cleaning products (8.6%). Mesothelioma (5.9%) was the most frequent diagnosis among asbestos related diseases. The number of acute inhalations reported was high, with metal industries (26%), cleaning services (22%), and chemical industries (13%) being the most frequently involved. The frequency of occupational respiratory diseases recorded by this voluntary surveillance system was four times higher than that reported by the compulsory official system. CONCLUSIONS: The compulsory scheme for reporting occupational lung diseases is seriously underreporting in Catalonia. A surveillance programme based on voluntary reporting by physicians may provide better understanding of the incidence and characteristics of these diseases. Persulphates and cleaning products, besides isocyanates, were the most reported causes of occupational asthma. Metal industries and cleaning services were the occupations most frequently involved in acute inhalations with a remarkably high incidence in our register.

Informatie over asbest geactualiseerd


Infomil, informatiecentrum voor de implementatie van milieu-regelgeving, heeft de informatie over asbest geactualiseerd. In de asbestwet- en regelgeving is veel veranderd. Zo is het Asbestverwijderingsbesluit 2005 inwerking getreden en het Asbestbesluit Milieubeheer en het Besluit asbestvrije frictiematerialen Wms zijn ingetrokken. Ook andere ontwikkelingen vanuit VROM zijn verwerkt in de vernieuwde informatie zoals het openen van het Meldpunt asbest en de voorbereidingen rond een nieuwe VROM regeling voor mesothelioomslachtoffers. Bron: Infomil, 22 mei 2006.


Gezondheidsraad wil normen asbest herzien


De Gezondheidsraad pleit ervoor de normen voor asbest te herzien. Het onafhankelijke adviesorgaan schrijft dit op 9 mei in een briefadvies aan Staatssecretaris Van Geel. Dit als gevolg van een adviesaanvraag naar aanleiding van een studie waaruit is gebleken dat er in de omgeving van Goor significant meer slachtoffers dan verwacht zijn gevallen door blootstelling aan asbest die in wegen was verwerkt. De Gezondheidsraad concludeert dat de betreffende studie naar mesothelioom in de regio Goor niet voldoende informatie geeft over asbestblootstelling om de huidige grenswaarden te kunnen evalueren. Sinds 1987 beschikbaar gekomen andere wetenschappelijke kennis en inzichten doen dat echter wel. De conclusie van de commissie is dat herziening van de grenswaarden MTR en VR gewenst is. Bron: Gezondheidsraad, 9 mei 2006. Meer http://www.gr.nl/persbericht.php?ID=1358

Arbo.nl nu ook voor werknemers


Arbo.nl nu ook voor werknemers

De website van het Arbo Platform Nederland heeft een nieuw deel speciaal ingericht op werknemers. Op dit nieuwe deel van arbo.nl staan zonder omwegen alle feiten en regels op het gebied van arbeidsomstandigheden. Er is informatie te vinden over ruim 200 onderwerpen, waaronder asbest. Bron: Arbo Platform Nederland, 15 mei 2006. Meer.. http://www.arbo.nl/

Landelijk meldpunt asbest en loketten in Harderwijk en Goor operationeel


Begin mei is een landelijk meldpunt asbest van start gegaan in de vorm van een website en een gratis telefoonnummer. Het meldpunt is primair bedoeld om burgers de mogelijkheid te geven melding te maken van asbest in hun woon- of leefomgeving. Tegelijk met het meldpunt gingen ook twee ‘asbestloketten’ open, één in Harderwijk en één in Hof van Twente. Eigenaren van wegen en erven waarin asbest is verwerkt, krijgen tot 1 juli de kans dit te melden. Indien asbest wordt aangetroffen, volgt een bodemonderzoek en eventuele sanering op kosten van het rijk. SenterNovem, het overheidsagentschap dat het meldpunt beheert, deelt de meldingen in naar situatie en zendt ze door aan het bevoegd gezag. Het gratis telefoonnummer is: 0800 MELDASBEST (08006353272). Kijk verder op http://www.senternovem.nl/meldasbest/index.asp.

Verenigd Koninkrijk: asbest kost het leven van 147 docenten


In het Verenigd Koninkrijk overlijden jaarlijks ongeveer 15 docenten aan de gevolgen van asbestblootstelling. Volgens de ‘Health and Safety Executive’ overleden tussen 1991 en 2000 147 docenten aan mesothelioom. Zo’n 13.000 scholen in het land zitten nog vol asbest. Bron: Sunday Express, 2 april 2006