Franse onderzoekers constateerden dat bepaalde medewerkers van een telefoonmaatschappij vaker dan gemiddeld longkanker hebben. De betreffende medewerkers hadden tussen 1978 en 1998 telefoonkabels gelegd voor het bedrijf. Zij waren daarbij blootgesteld aan relatief lage niveaus van asbest. Meer onderzoek is nodig om vast te stellen of ook dergelijke lage asbestblootstellingsniveaus gevaar voor kanker op kunnen leveren. Bron: Meguellati-Hakkas, D., et al. (2006). Lung Cancer Mortality and Occupational Exposure to Asbestos Among Telephone Linemen: A Historical Cohort Study in France. JOEM, 48, 11, 1166-72.
Meguellati-Hakkas D, Cyr D, Stucker I, Fevotte J, Pilorget C, Luce D, Guenel P. , (2006). Lung cancer mortality and occupational exposure to asbestos among telephone linemen: a historical cohort study in France. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, nov, 48 (11), 1166-72.
OBJECTIVE: The authors studied the mortality by lung cancer in telephone linemen exposed to asbestos at low levels during installation of telephone cables.
METHODS: Three hundred eight lung cancers deaths were identified in the cohort. Exposure to asbestos and to other occupational carcinogens was assessed using a job-exposure matrix.
RESULTS: The relative risk for lung cancer death associated with an estimated exposure of approximately 2 f/cc-years was 2.1 (95% confidence interval = 1.1-4.0) as compared with workers exposed to less than 0.5 f/cc-years. Mean annual exposure or exposure duration were not clearly related to lung cancer. Adjustment for other occupational lung carcinogens did not change this finding.
CONCLUSION: The observed mortality by lung cancer associated with asbestos exposure at low levels is higher than the prediction based on linear downward extrapolations from highly exposed occupational cohorts.