Verband tussen geboorteseizoen en longfibrose door asbest
16-10-2007Finse onderzoekers constateerden dat aan asbest blootgestelde bouwvakkers die in herfst of winter geboren zijn relatief vaker fibrose aan de longen hebben dan degenen die in lente of zomer geboren zijn. Een mogelijke verklaring is dat herfst- en winterkinderen vlak na de geboorte vaker infecties aan de luchtwegen hebben die hen gevoeliger maken voor de effecten van asbestvezels later in hun leven. Bron: Hannu, T. et al., (2007). Season of birth and lung fibrosis among workers exposed to asbestos. Chronobiology Intenational 24(3):539-552.
Hannu, T. et al., (2007). Season of birth and lung fibrosis among workers exposed to asbestos. Chronobiology Intenational 24(3):539-552.
The season of birth has been suggested to influence the development of some diseases, but its role in lung fibrosis seems to not have been studied previously. The aim of this study was to investigate the relation between the season of birth and fibrotic abnormalities as detected radiologically in high-resolution computed tomography (HRCT) among workers exposed to asbestos. The HRCT examination was performed on 528 study subjects. Multiple ordinal regression analysis adjusting for covariates was used to study the relations between birth month or season and radiological fibrosis signs. Subjects born in autumn or winter had more extensive fibrotic changes than those born in spring or summer. This applied to all fibrotic changes, apart from subpleural nodules, but only the overall fibrosis score, septal lines, and honeycombing showed statistically significantly higher values in comparison to spring births. The highest scores were detected among those born in autumn and winter months (September-February). These results suggest that there are differences in fibrotic radiological abnormalities according to the season of birth in adults exposed to asbestos. Several hypotheses could explain the observed findings, including the effects of early respiratory infections, cold temperature, and differences in air pollution levels, as well as some metabolic and hormonal effects.