Is chrysotiel een oorzaak van mesothelioom?


Yarborough vindt in zijn onderzoek geen ondersteuning voor de hypothese dat chrysotiel asbestvezels (wit asbest) mesothelioom kunnen veroorzaken. Deze conclusie baseert hij op analyse van resultaten van 71 epidemiologische cohort-studies van mensen die beroepsmatig aan ruwe asbestvezels zijn blootgesteld. Bron: Yarborough, C.M. (2006). Chrysotile as a cause of mesothelioma: an assessment based on epidemiology. Critical reviews in Toxicology Feb.36(2):165-87.
Yarborough, C.M. (2006). Chrysotile as a cause of mesothelioma: an assessment based on epidemiology. Critical reviews in Toxicology Feb.36(2):165-87.

AbstractThere has been a longstanding debate about the potential contribution of chrysotile asbestos fibers to mesothelioma risk. The failure to resolve this debate has hampered decisive risk communication in the aftermath of the collapse of the World Trade Center towers and has influenced judgments about bans on asbestos use. A firm understanding of any health risks associated with natural chrysotile fibers is crucial for regulatory policy and future risk assessments of synthesized nanomaterials. Although epidemiological studies have confirmed amphibole asbestos fibers as a cause of mesothelioma, the link with chrysotile remains unsettled. An extensive review of the epidemiological cohort studies was undertaken to evaluate the extent of the evidence related to free chrysotile fibers, with particular attention to confounding by other fiber types, job exposure concentrations, and consistency of findings. The review of 71 asbestos cohorts exposed to free asbestos fibers does not support the hypothesis that chrysotile, uncontaminated by amphibolic substances, causes mesothelioma. Today, decisions about risk of chrysotile for mesothelioma in most regulatory contexts reflect public policies, not the application of the scientific method as applied to epidemiological cohort studies.

Duitse geschiedenis asbestgebruik en gevolgen


Hagemeyer beschrijft in dit overzichtsartikel de Duitse geschiedenis en huidige situatie inzake asbestgebruik, blootstelling en asbestziekten. Duitsland was het eerste land dat in 1930 longkanker in combinatie met asbestose als een beroepsziekte erkende. Bron: Hagemeyer, O., Otten, H. & Kraus, T. (2006). Asbestos consumption, asbestos exposure and asbestos-related occupational diseases in Germany. Int Arch Occup Environ Health.

Hagemeyer, O., Otten, H. & Kraus, T. (2006). Asbestos consumption, asbestos exposure and asbestos-related occupational diseases in Germany. Int Arch Occup Environ Health, DOI 10.1007/s00420-006-00.

Abstract. Like in most industrial countries, asbestos is a leading cause of occupational diseases, especially malignant diseases, in Germany. Following the increased consumption of asbestos after World War I, the recognition of asbestos related diseases developed. At the end of the 1930s, Germany was the first country to accept lung cancer in combination with asbestosis as an occupational disease and to initiate the endeavor for reduction of asbestos dust exposure. Nevertheless after World War II the usage of asbestos increased dramatically. The ban of asbestos first came into force in 1993. Until this time several hundreds of thousands of workers had inhaled asbestos and the number of asbestos related

diseases increased. In this review the history and current status on asbestos consumption, asbestos exposure and asbestos related occupational diseases in Germany is presented

Finland: gezondheidseffecten Asbest Programma nog niet zichtbaar


Tussen 1987 en 1992 werd in Finland het ‘Asbest Programma’ ingevoerd. Dit bestond uit 27 maatregelen die erop gericht waren de risico’s van asbestblootstelling zoveel mogelijk te beperken. De positieve gezondheidseffecten zijn op dit moment nog niet zichtbaar. Mensen worden namelijk gemiddeld pas 30 tot 40 jaar na de blootstelling aan asbest ziek en de piek in het asbestgebruik vond er in de jaren 70 plaats. In Finland zijn ca. 200.000 mensen in hun werk aan asbest blootgesteld. Momenteel overlijden ca. 150 mensen per jaar aan een vorm van asbestgerelateerde kanker. Bron: Huuskonen MS & Rantanen J. (2006). Finnish Institute of Occupational Health (FIOH): prevention and detection of asbestos-related diseases, 1987-2005. American Journal of Industrial Medicine, mar 49(3):215-20.
Huuskonen MS & Rantanen J. (2006). Finnish Institute of Occupational Health (FIOH): prevention and detection of asbestos-related diseases, 1987-2005. American Journal of Industrial Medicine, mar 49(3):215-20.

BACKGROUND: Between 1987 and 1992, the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health (FIOH) initiated and implemented the Asbestos Program that aimed at reducing asbestos-related risks. It was a cooperative effort between government authorities, labor market organizations, and health care and labor protection personnel.

METHODS: During the Program and its follow-up since 1993 several preventive actions were taken, and considerable new legislation and official instructions were issued.

RESULTS: Approximately 200,000 people in Finland have been exposed to asbestos in their work. Through the cooperative efforts of government, labor, health care and worker protection programs, the import of asbestos was ceased in 1993 with a few exceptions. Almost all imports ceased in 2005 following European Union directives. Regulation of asbestos abatement companies has been greatly increased. The occupational exposure limit has been reduced from 2.0 fibers/cm(3) to the present 0.1 fibers/cm(3). Asbestos-related diseases are closely monitored and education of health care providers regarding the occupational source of these conditions is now emphasized.

CONCLUSIONS: The success of the primary goal of the Program, a reduction in asbestos-related morbidity, will not be fully realized for many decades.

Longkanker door asbest bij vrouwen in Iowa


Neuberger deed van 1994 tot 1997 onderzoek onder plattelandsvrouwen uit het Amerikaanse middenwesten. Hij vond o.a dat asbestblootstelling een oorzaak geweest kan zijn voor longkanker bij de groep ‘niet rokers’: vrouwen die tijdens hun hele leven minder dan 100 sigaretten of korter dan 6 maanden hadden gerookt. Bron: Neuberger JS, et al. (2006). Risk factors for lung cancer in Iowa women: Implications for prevention. Cancer Detection and Prevention, Mar 30.
Neuberger JS, Mahnken JD, Mayo MS, Field RW (2006). Risk factors for lung cancer in Iowa women: Implications for prevention. Cancer Detection and Prevention, Mar 30.

Background: Multiple risk factors possibly associated with lung cancer were examined as part of a large-scale residential radon case-control study conducted in Iowa between 1994 and 1997. We were particularly interested in stratifying risk factors by smoking status. Relatively little risk factor information is available for Midwestern rural women.

Methods: Four hundred thirteen female lung cancer cases and 614 controls aged 40-84, who were residents of their current home for at least 20 years, were included. Risk factors examined included cigarette smoking, passive smoking, occupation, chemical exposure, previous lung disease, family history of cancer, and urban residence. Multiple logistic regression analysis was conducted after adjusting for age, education, and cumulative radon exposure.

Results: As expected, active cigarette smoking was the major risk factor for lung cancer. While cessation of smoking was significantly associated with a reduced risk for lung cancer, the risk remained significantly elevated for 25 years. Among all cases, asbestos exposure was a significant risk. Among ex-smokers, pack-year history predominated as the major risk. Among never smokers, a family history of kidney or bladder cancer were significant risk factors (OR=7.34, 95% CI=1.91-28.18. and OR=5.02, 95% CI=1.64-15.39, respectively), as was a history of previous lung disease (OR=2.28, 95% CI=1.24-4.18) and asbestos exposure. No statistically significant increase in lung cancer risk was found for occupation or urban residence.

Conclusions: Smoking prevention activities are urgently needed in rural areas of the United States. Relatives of individuals with smoking-related cancers are potentially at increased risk. Genetic risk factors should be more fully investigated in never smokers.

Spanje: onderrapportage van asbestziekten


Onderzoeken in de Spaanse deelstaten Catalonië en Navarra hebben aangetoond dat asbestziekten, zoals mesothelioom, er veel vaker voorkomen dan de officiële cijfers aangeven: in Catalonië vier keer zoveel, in Navarra drie keer zo veel. Bronnen: Artieda, L., Beloqui, A. & Lezaun, M. (2005). Cohort of asbestos exposed workers. Navarre (Spain) 1999-2004. Orriols, R. et al. (2006). Reported occupational respiratory diseases in Catalonia. Occupational and Environmental Medicine, n-63 (4), pp. 255-260. Artieda L, Beloqui A, Lezaun M. (2005). Cohort of asbestos exposed workers. Navarre (Spain) 1999-2004] An Sist Sanit Navarra Sep-Dec.28(3):335-44.
Artieda L, Beloqui A, Lezaun M. (2005). Cohort of asbestos exposed workers. Navarre (Spain) 1999-2004] An Sist Sanit Navarra Sep-Dec.28(3):335-44.


BACKGROUND: The identification of a population cohort of workers exposed to asbestos is important because it facilitates health surveillance, allowing us to fulfil the ethical obligation of recognizing the occupational origin of the illness and contributing to the development of scientific research. The goal of this study is to identify the asbestos exposed workers in Navarre and the success of the health surveillance offer. METHODS: The register of asbestos exposed workers was created in 1999. It includes companies and workers from the national register, the records of the regional institution of occupational health and the data of the occupational health services and the inspectorate of sick leave. The health programme deals with occupational and post-occupational workers. RESULTS: The cohort consists of 2,294 workers, from 33 companies, 40% of whom are active, half work manufacturing motor vehicles, 91% are exposed to chrysotile, 25% exposed to high concentrations (0.20 fibers /cm3 or more for chrysotile or 0.10 fibers /cm3 for others). The 1970s and 1990s were when most workers began to be exposed. Workers who began in the 1940s and 1950s have longer exposure times. Medical surveillance is accepted by 72%, with higher acceptance among those who are active. CONCLUSIONS: The follow-up has allowed us to recognize three times as many cases of pathology for asbestos, in comparison with those declared spontaneously in the eleven years prior to the program, which reflects its importance. The level of acceptance of the surveillance is adapted, given the methodology of the programme.

Orriols R, Costa R, Albanell M, Alberti C, Castejon J, Monso E, Panades R, Rubira N, Zock JP. (2006). Reported occupational respiratory diseases in Catalonia. Occupational and Environmental Medicine,63(4), pp 255-60.

OBJECTIVES: A voluntary surveillance system was implemented in Catalonia (Spain) to ascertain the feasibility, incidence, and characteristics of occupational respiratory diseases and compare them with those of the compulsory official system.

METHODS: In 2002, in collaboration with the Occupational and Thoracic Societies of Catalonia, occupational and chest physicians and other specialists were invited to report, on a bimonthly basis, newly diagnosed cases of occupational respiratory diseases. Information requested on each case included diagnosis, age, sex, place of residence, occupation, suspected agent, and physician’s opinion on the likelihood that the condition was work related. Compulsory official system data derived from statistics on work related diseases for possible disability benefits declared by insurance companies, which are responsible for declaring these diseases to the Autonomous Government of Catalonia.

RESULTS: Of 142 physicians seeing patients with occupational respiratory diseases approached, 102 (74%) participated. Three hundred and fifty nine cases were reported, of which asthma (48.5%), asbestos related diseases (14.5%), and acute inhalations (12.8%) were the most common. Physicians rated 63% of suspected cases as highly likely, 28% as likely, and 8% as low likelihood. The most frequent suspected agents reported for asthma were isocyanates (15.5%), persulphates (12.1%), and cleaning products (8.6%). Mesothelioma (5.9%) was the most frequent diagnosis among asbestos related diseases. The number of acute inhalations reported was high, with metal industries (26%), cleaning services (22%), and chemical industries (13%) being the most frequently involved. The frequency of occupational respiratory diseases recorded by this voluntary surveillance system was four times higher than that reported by the compulsory official system. CONCLUSIONS: The compulsory scheme for reporting occupational lung diseases is seriously underreporting in Catalonia. A surveillance programme based on voluntary reporting by physicians may provide better understanding of the incidence and characteristics of these diseases. Persulphates and cleaning products, besides isocyanates, were the most reported causes of occupational asthma. Metal industries and cleaning services were the occupations most frequently involved in acute inhalations with a remarkably high incidence in our register.

Verenigd Koninkrijk: asbest kost het leven van 147 docenten


In het Verenigd Koninkrijk overlijden jaarlijks ongeveer 15 docenten aan de gevolgen van asbestblootstelling. Volgens de ‘Health and Safety Executive’ overleden tussen 1991 en 2000 147 docenten aan mesothelioom. Zo’n 13.000 scholen in het land zitten nog vol asbest. Bron: Sunday Express, 2 april 2006

Het Franse Nationale Mesothelioom Toezicht Programma


Het Franse Nationale Mesothelioom Toezicht Programma (NMSP) startte in 1998. In 21 Franse districten, een gebied waar een kwart van de Franse bevolking woont (16 miljoen inwoners), worden sinds 1998, volgens standaardprotocollen, een aantal gegevens van longvlieskankerpatiënten (pleuraal mesothelioom) bijgehouden. Op basis van deze gegevens hebben onderzoekers het aantal gevallen van longvlieskanker in Frankrijk in 1998 geschat op 660 tot 781 gevallen (afhankelijk van de definitie), waaronder 80% mannen met een gemiddelde leeftijd van 66 jaar bij diagnose. De industrieën met de hoogste risico’s op longvlieskanker zijn: de scheepsbouw, de bouw, asbestindustrie en metaal-industrie. Beroepen met de hoogste risico’s zijn: loodgieters, pijpfitters en metaalbewerkers. Naar schatting is in 83% van de gevallen de ziekte veroorzaakt door beroepsmatige blootstelling. In 67% van de gevallen werd de eerste pathologische diagnose bevestigd door het Franse mesotheliomen expertpanel. Het epitheloïde type longvlieskanker kwam het meest voor (70%). Van 103 gevallen was de overlevingsduur bekend. Die bleek het grootst bij jongere patiënten met het epitheloïde type mesothelioom. 62% Van de slachtoffers had een schadevergoeding aangevraagd voor hun ziekte, die aan bijna allen (91%) werd toegekend. Bron: Goldberg M, et al. (2006). The French National Mesothelioma Surveillance Program. Occup Environ Medicine, Feb 9.
Goldberg M, Imbernon E, Rolland P, Gilg Soit Ilg A, Saves M, de Quillac A, Frenay C, Chamming’s S, Arveux P, Boutin C, Launoy G, Pairon JC, Astoul P, Galateau-Salle F, Brochard P (2006). The French National Mesothelioma Surveillance Program. Occup Environ Medicine, Feb 9.

OBJECTIVES: The French National Mesothelioma Surveillance Program (NMSP) was established in 1998 by the national Institute for health surveillance (InVS). Its objectives are to estimate the trends in mesothelioma incidence and the proportion attributable to occupational asbestos exposure, to help improve its pathology diagnosis, to assess its compensation as an occupational disease and to contribute to research.

METHODS: The NMSP records incident pleural tumours in 21 French districts that cover a population of approximately 16 million people (a quarter of the French population). A standardized procedure of pathologic and clinical diagnosis ascertainment is used. Lifetime exposure to asbestos and to other factors (man made mineral fibres, ionizing radiations, SV40 virus) is reconstructed, and a case-control study was also conducted. We assessed the proportion of mesothelioma compensated as an occupational disease. RESULTS: Depending on the hypotheses, the estimated number of incident cases in 1998 ranged from 660 to 761 (women: 127 to 146. men: 533 to 615). Among men, the industries with the highest risks of mesothelioma are construction and ship repair, asbestos industry, manufacture of metal construction materials. the occupations at highest risk are plumbers, pipe- fitters and sheet-metal workers. The attributable risk fraction for occupational asbestos exposure in men was 83.2% (95% CI: 76.8-89.6). The initial pathologist’s diagnosis was confirmed in 67% of cases, ruled it out in 13%, and left it uncertain in the others. for half of the latter, the clinical findings supported a mesothelioma diagnosis. In all, 62% applied for designation of an occupational disease, and 91% of these were receiving workers’ compensation. CONCLUSIONS: The NMSP is a large scale epidemiologic surveillance system with several original aspects, providing important information to improve the knowledge of malignant pleural mesothelioma, such as monitoring the evolution of its incidence, of high risk occupations and economic sectors, and improving pathology techniques.

Schotse mesothelioom-epidemie treft veel vrouwen


Mesothelioom (longvlies-/buikvlieskanker) wordt meestal geassocieerd met mannen die lang geleden met asbest hebben gewerkt. Opmerkelijk is daarom dat in Schotland het aantal vrouwen met mesothelioom de laatste 20 jaar is verviervoudigd van 8 in 1980 tot 31 in 2002. Bij mannen steeg het aantal gevallen in dezelfde periode van 63 in 1980 tot 148 in 2002 en 166 in 2003. In het Verenigd Koninkrijk als geheel overleden in 2003 1874 mensen aan deze ziekte. Asbestslachtofferverenigingen schatten dat het aantal vrouwen dat deze ziekte krijgt nog veel hoger zal liggen dan de offficële cijfers aangeven omdat bij vrouwen meestal niet aan een relatie met asbest wordt gedacht en er dus sprake is van onderregistratie. Zij schatten dat op dit moment in het Verenigd Koninkrijk als geheel jaarlijks zo’n 120 vrouwen aan mesothelioom overlijden. Soms gaat het om huisgenoten die via de kleding van de asbestwerker zijn blootgesteld. In de meeste gevallen gaat het om vrouwen die in de scheepsbouw hebben gewerkt, de bedrijfstak waarin de meeste mannen aan asbest zijn blootgesteld. Er zijn echter ook gevallen bekend van vrouwelijke gepensioneerde verpleegkundigen en docenten die mesothelioom hebben gekregen. Bron: Sunday Express, 26 maart 2006.

Australië: de kinderen van Wittenoom worden nu ziek


Veertig jaar na sluiting van de blauwe asbestmijn in het Australische plaatsje Wittenoom, zijn nog steeds tragische gevolgen zichtbaar. In het afgelopen half jaar is bij tenminste negen mensen die als kind in Wittenoom woonden een asbestziekte geconstateerd. Omdat een ziekte als mesothelioom (longvlies-/buikvlieskanker) zich pas ongeveer 40 jaar na blootstelling openbaart worden nu mensen ziek die als kind in de jaren 60 en 70 in Wittenoom woonden en speelden. Geschat wordt dat het om enkele honderden kinderen gaat die na de sluiting van de mijn tot eind jaren 70 in het plaatsje bleven wonen. Zij speelden op plekken waar overal asbest was. Bron: The West Australian, 6 maart 2006.