Van 1999 t/m 2001 overleden in de Verenigde Staten 7.524 mensen aan maligne mesothelioom (longvlies- of buikvlieskanker). Van hen was 80,5% man en 95,2% blank. Vergeleken met de totale bevolking ging het om 6 x zoveel mannen als vrouwen. Een relatief groot deel van hen kwam uit de kustgebieden, uit de scheepsbouw, industrie en chemie en met beroepen als loodgieter, pijpfitter of machinewerker. In absolute zin was aantal overlijdensgevallen het hoogst bij mensen die in de bouw hadden gewerkt. Bron: Bang, K.I. et al. (2006). Malignant mesothelioma mortality in the United States, 1999-2001. International Journal of Occupational Environment and Health, 12, 9-15.
Bang, K.I., Germania, M.P.H., Pinheiro, A., Wood, J.M., Syamlal, G., (2006). Malignant mesothelioma mortality in the United States, 1999-2001. International Journal of Occupational Environment and Health, 12, 9-15.


Malignant mesothelioma is strongly associated with asbestos exposure. This paper describes demographic, geographic, and occupational distributions of mesothelioma

mortality in the United States, 1999-2001. The data (n = 7,524) were obtained from the National Center for Health Statistics multiple-cause-of-death records. Mortality rates (per million per year) were age-adjusted to the 2000 U.S. standard population, and proportionate mortality ratios (PMRs) were calculated by occupation and industry, and adjusted for age, sex, and race. The overall age-adjusted mortality rate was 11.52, with males (22.34) showing a sixfold higher rate than females (3.94). Geographic distribution of mesothelioma mortality is predominantly coastal. Occupations with significantly elevated PMRs included plumbers/pipefitters and mechanical engineers. Industries with significantly elevated PMRs included ship and boat building and repairing, and industrial and miscellaneous chemicals. These surveillance findings can be useful in generating hypotheses and developing strategies to prevent mesothelioma. Key words: mesothelioma. mortality. occupations. industries.