In de provincie Malatya in Oost Turkije komt tremoliet-asbest in de natuur voor. Dit wordt gebruikt als stucmateriaal voor huizen, ter isolatie van daken en als substituut voor babypoeder. Onderzoeker Hasanoglu en collega’s constateerden dat in twee plaatsen in deze provincie longkanker en mesothelioom meer dan gemiddeld voorkomen. Zij concluderen dat dit waarschijnlijk een relatie heeft met de asbest in het milieu.

Bron: Hasanoglu, H.C. et al. (2005). Lung cancer and mesothelioma in towns with environmental exposure to asbestos in Eastern Anatolia. Int Arch Occup Environ Health. Aug 30.1-3.

Hasanoglu HC, Yildirim Z, Ermis H, Kilic T & Koksal N. (2005). Lung cancer and mesothelioma in towns with environmental exposure to asbestos in Eastern Anatolia. Int Arch Occup Environ Health. Aug 30.1-3.


Objective: Our previous study demonstrated the presence of environmental

tremolite and chrysotile asbestos fiber exposure in Hekimhan town in Malatya

located in eastern Turkey. The aim of this study was to investigate whether

environmental asbestos exposure increases the incidence of lung cancer and

mesothelioma. Method: One hundred and forty-nine patients with mesothelioma and

lung cancer living in the center or in the towns of Malatya were retrospectively

analyzed. The Incidences of lung cancer and mesothelioma were calculated.

Results: The incidences of lung cancer and mesothelioma were 3.39/100,000 and

0.21/100,000, respectively, for the whole population of Malatya. while they were

8.23/100,000 and 1.45/100,000 in Hekimhan. The incidences were strikingly high

(22.39/100,000 for lung cancer and 7.46/100,000 for mesothelioma) in Arguvan,

another town in Malatya where an analysis for asbestos could not be performed.

The overall incidence in Turkey was reported as 5.9/100,000 by the Health

Ministry in 1994. The incidences of lung cancer were nearly 1.3-fold higher in

Hekimhan and fourfold higher in Arguvan then in the general population of

Turkey. Conclusion: The incidences of mesothelioma and lung carcinoma in

Hekimhan were higher than those of the general population in Turkey, suggesting

a role of environmental asbestos exposure in lung cancer and mesothelioma.