Na een analyse van 32 studies van brandweermannen concluderen Lemasters et al. dat bepaalde vormen van kanker meer dan gemiddeld bij deze beroepsgroep voorkomen. Tijdens het bestrijden van de branden zijn de mannen door hun kleding voldoende beschermd. Maar zij lopen vooral risico bij het uittrekken van de werkkleding waarin de kankerverwekkende stoffen zijn blijven zitten. Om dezelfde reden is in ons land enkele jaren geleden besloten dat huisgenoten van asbestwerkers in aanmerking moeten kunnen komen voor een uitkering via de Regeling tegemoetkoming asbestslachtoffers. Hun asbestkanker is veroorzaakt door contact met de werkkleding van de asbestwerker. Bron: Lemasters, G.K. et al. (2006). Cancer Risk Among Firefighters: A Review and Meta-analysis of 32 Studies. The Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, nov. 48 (11):1189-1202.
Cancer Risk Among Firefighters: A Review and Meta-analysis of 32 Studies. Lemasters GK, Genaidy AM, Succop P, Deddens J, Sobeih T, Barriera-Viruet H, Dunning K, Lockey J. The Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, nov. 48 (11):1189-1202.
OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to review 32 studies on firefighters and to quantitatively and qualitatively determine the cancer risk using a meta-analysis. METHODS: A comprehensive search of computerized databases and bibliographies from identified articles was performed. Three criteria used to assess the probable, possible, or unlikely risk for 21 cancers included pattern of meta-relative risks, study type, and heterogeneity testing. RESULTS: The findings indicated that firefighters had a probable cancer risk for multiple myeloma with a summary risk estimate (SRE) of 1.53 and 95% confidence interval (CI) of 1.21-1.94, non-Hodgkin lymphoma (SRE = 1.51, 95% CI = 1.31-1.73), and prostate (SRE = 1.28. 95% CI = 1.15-1.43). Testicular cancer was upgraded to probable because it had the highest summary risk estimate (SRE = 2.02. 95% CI = 1.30-3.13). Eight additional cancers were listed as having a “possible” association with firefighting. CONCLUSIONS: Our results confirm previous findings of an elevated metarelative risk for multiple myeloma among firefighters. In addition, a probable association with non-Hodgkin lymphoma, prostate, and testicular cancer was demonstrated.