Een analyse van bijna 2000 Italiaanse gevallen van mesothelioom leverde slechts 11 clusters (22 gevallen) van eerstelijns-familieleden op. Volgens de onderzoekers is dat geringe aantal een aanwijzing dat erfelijke aanleg weinig invloed heeft op het risico op mesothelioom. Bron: Ascoli, V. et al. (2007). Mesothelioma in Blood Related Subjects: Report of 11 Clusters Among 1954 Italy Cases and Review of the Literature. American Journal of Industrial Medicine 50:357-369, 2007.
Ascoli, V. et al. (2007). Mesothelioma in Blood Related Subjects: Report of 11 Clusters Among 1954 Italy Cases and Review of the Literature. American Journal of Industrial Medicine 50:357-369, 2007.
Malignant mesothelioma is a sporadic tumor related to asbestos. Its
occurrence in blood relatives raises the question of potential contribution of predisposing factors.
The study analyses the features of mesothelioma in blood relatives that might explain the disease clustering. Data sources of familial clusters were three population-based Mesothelioma Registries in Italy (Veneto and Apulia Regions, Brescia province. 1978-2005) and Medline, Toxline, and Oshline/Hseline databases for a review of the literature (1968-2006).
Eleven clusters (22 cases) were identified among 1954 Italy mesothelioma cases, and 51 clusters (120 cases) were extracted from 33 studies. The proportion of Italy familial cases was 1.4 per 100 mesothelioma cases. the ratio between the number of familial clusters and the number of non-familial mesothelioma cases was 1:148. The mesothelioma profile in consanguineous is the same as in non-consanguineous subjects (male prevalence. pleural site. age at diagnosis >50 years. asbestos exposure). Most clusters occurred in asbestos workers (shipyard, asbestos-cement production/processing, and insulation) and household-exposed blood relatives. Others were related to asbestoscement factory pollution, asbestos-in-place, and handling asbestos-contaminated textiles.
Two clusters were without any known exposure. Cancer family history revealed lung cancer cases in eight clusters.
Available data support asbestos exposure as the main risk factor in
mesothelioma cases among blood relatives. Our finding of a low proportion of familial cases would not suggest the influence of a large genetic component for mesothelioma in blood relatives.